Research Interests

Research Highlights

Spin-driven stationary turbulence in spinor Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review A 108, 013318 (2023) 

  We report the observation of stationary turbulence in antiferromagnetic spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates driven by a radio-frequency magnetic field. The magnetic driving injects energy into the system by spin rotation and the energy is dissipated via dynamic instability, resulting in the emergence of an irregular spin texture in the condensate. Under continuous driving, the spinor condensate evolves into a nonequilibrium steady state with characteristic spin turbulence, while the low-energy scale of spin excitations ensures that the sample’s lifetime is minimally affected. When the driving strength is on par with the system’s spin interaction energy and the quadratic Zeeman energy, remarkably, the stationary turbulent state exhibits spin-isotropic features in spin composition and spatial spin texture. We numerically show that ambient field fluctuations play a crucial role in sustaining the turbulent state within the system. These results open up different avenues for exploring quantum turbulence in spinor superfluid systems.

Defect Saturation in a Rapidly Quenched Bose Gas
Physical Review Letters 127, 115701 (2021) 

  We investigate the saturation of defect density in an atomic Bose gas rapidly cooled into a superfluid phase. The number of quantum vortices, which are spontaneously created in the quenched gas, exhibits a Poissonian distribution not only for a slow quench in the Kibble-Zurek (KZ) scaling regime but also for a fast quench, in which case the mean vortex number is saturated. This shows that the saturation is not caused by destructive vortex collisions, but by the early-time coarsening in an emerging condensate, which is further supported by the observation that the condensate growth lags the quenching in the saturation regime. Our results demonstrate that the defect saturation is an effect beyond the KZ mechanism, opening a path for studying critical phase transition dynamics using the defect number distribution.

Critical Energy Dissipation in a Binary Superfluid Gas by a Moving Magnetic Obstacle
Physical Review Letters 127, 095302  (2021)

  We study the critical energy dissipation in an atomic superfluid gas with two symmetric spin components by an oscillating magnetic obstacle. Above a certain critical oscillation frequency, spin-wave excitations are generated by the magnetic obstacle, demonstrating the spin superfluid behavior of the system. When the obstacle is strong enough to cause density perturbations via local saturation of spin polarization, half-quantum vortices (HQVs) are created for higher oscillation frequencies, which reveals the characteristic evolution of critical dissipative dynamics from spin-wave emission to HQV shedding. Critical HQV shedding is further investigated using a pulsed linear motion of the obstacle, and we identify two critical velocities to create HQVs with different core magnetization.

Observation of two sound modes in a binary superfluid gas
Physical Review A 101, 061601(R) (2020)

  We study the propagation of sound waves in a binary superfluid gas with two symmetric components. The binary superfluid is constituted using a Bose-Einstein condensate of 23Na in an equal mixture of two hyperfine ground states. Sound waves are excited in the condensate by applying a local spin-dependent perturbation with a focused laser beam. We identify two distinct sound modes, referred to as density sound and spin sound, where the densities of the two spin components oscillate in phase and out of phase, respectively. The observed sound propagation is explained well by the two-fluid hydrodynamics of the binary superfluid. The ratio of the two sound speeds is precisely determined from a timescale analysis of the sound wave propagation, without the need of absolute density calibration, and we find it in quantitatively good agreement with the known interaction properties of the binary system.

Creutz ladder in a resonantly shaken 1D optical lattice
New Journal of Physics 22, 013023 (2020)

  We report the experimental realization of a Creutz ladder for ultracold fermionic atoms in a resonantly driven 1D optical lattice. The two-leg ladder consists of the two lowest orbital states of the optical lattice and the cross inter-leg links are generated via two-photon resonant coupling between the orbitals by periodic lattice shaking. The characteristic pseudo-spin winding structure in the energy bands of the ladder system is demonstrated using momentum-resolved Ramsey-type interferometric measurements. We discuss a two-tone driving method to extend the inter-leg link control and propose a topological charge pumping scheme for the Creutz ladder system.

Kibble-Zurek universality in a strongly interacting Fermi superfluid
Nature Physics 15, 1227 (2019)

  Near a continuous phase transition, systems with different microscopic origins display universal dynamics if their underlying symmetries are compatible. In a thermally quenched system, the Kibble-Zurek mechanism for the creation of topological defects unveils this universality through a characteristic power-law exponent, which captures the dependence of the defect density on the quench rate. Here, we report the observation of the Kibble-Zurek universality in a strongly interacting Fermi superfluid. As the system's microscopic description is tuned from bosonic to fermionic, the quench formation of vortices reveals a constant scaling exponent arising from the U(1) gauge symmetry of the system. For rapid quenches, destructive vortex collisions lead to the saturation of their densities, whose values can be universally scaled by the interaction-dependent area of the vortex cores.

Observation of Wall-Vortex Composite Defects in a Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensate
Physical Review Letters 122, 095301 (2019)

  We report the observation of spin domain walls bounded by half-quantum vortices (HQVs) in a spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate with antiferromagnetic interactions. A spinor condensate is initially prepared in the easy-plane polar phase, and then, suddenly quenched into the easy-axis polar phase. Domain walls are created via the spontaneous Z2 symmetry breaking in the phase transition and the walls dynamically split into composite defects due to snake instability. The end points of the defects are identified as HQVs for the polar order parameter and the mass supercurrent in their proximity is demonstrated using Bragg scattering. In a strong quench regime, we observe that singly charged quantum vortices are formed with the relaxation of free wall-vortex composite defects. Our results demonstrate a nucleation mechanism for composite defects via phase transition dynamics.

Band Gap Closing in a Synthetic Hall Tube of Neutral Fermions
Physical Review Letters 122, 065303 (2019)

  We report the experimental realization of a synthetic three-leg Hall tube with ultracold fermionic atoms in a one-dimensional optical lattice. The legs of the synthetic tube are composed of three hyperfine spin states of the atoms, and the cyclic interleg links are generated by two-photon Raman transitions between the spin states, resulting in a uniform gauge flux ϕ penetrating each side plaquette of the tube. Using quench dynamics, we investigate the band structure of the Hall tube system for a commensurate flux ϕ = 2π/3. Momentum-resolved analysis of the quench dynamics reveals a critical point of band gap closing as one of the interleg coupling strengths is varied, which is consistent with a topological phase transition predicted for the Hall tube system.

Realization of a Cross-Linked Chiral Ladder with Neutral Fermions in an Optical Lattice by Orbital-Momentum Coupling
Physical Review Letters 121, 150403 (2018)

  We report the experimental realization of a cross-linked chiral ladder with ultracold fermionic atoms in a 1D optical lattice. In the ladder, the legs are formed by the orbital states of the optical lattice and the complex interleg links are generated by the orbital-changing Raman transitions that are driven by a moving lattice potential superimposed onto the optical lattice. The effective magnetic flux per ladder plaquette is tuned by the spatial periodicity of the moving lattice, and the chiral currents are observed from the asymmetric momentum distributions of the orbitals. The effect of the complex cross-links is demonstrated in quench dynamics by measuring the momentum dependence of the interorbital coupling strength. We discuss the topological phase transition of the chiral ladder system for the variations of the complex cross-links.

Critical Vortex Shedding in a Strongly Interacting Fermionic Superfluid
Physical Review Letters 121, 225301 (2018)

  We study the critical vortex shedding in a strongly interacting fermionic superfluid of 6Li across the BEC-BCS crossover. By moving an optical obstacle in the sample and directly imaging the vortices after time of flight, the critical velocity vc for vortex shedding is measured as a function of the obstacle travel distance L. The observed vc increases with decreasing L, where the rate of increase is the highest in the unitary regime. In the deep BEC regime, an empirical dissipation model well captures the dependence of vc on L, characterized by a constant value of η=−[d(1/vc)/d(1/L)]. However, as the system is tuned across the resonance, a step increase of η develops about a characteristic distance Lc as L is increased, where Lc is comparable to the obstacle size. This bimodal behavior is strengthened as the system is tuned towards the BCS regime. We attribute this evolution of vc to the participation of pair breaking in the vortex shedding dynamics of a fermionic superfluid.

Bose-Einstein condensation of 87Rb atoms has been observed on April 24th, 2018!!

Critical Spin Superflow in a Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensate
Physical Review Letters 119, 185302 (2017)

  We investigate the critical dynamics of spin superflow in an easy-plane antiferromagnetic spinor Bose-Einstein condensate. Spin-dipole oscillations are induced in a trapped condensate by applying a linear magnetic field gradient and we observe that the damping rate increases rapidly as the field gradient increases above a certain critical value. The onset of dissipation is found to be associated with the generation of dark-bright solitons due to the modulation instability of the counterflow of two spin components. Spin turbulence emerges as the solitons decay because of their snake instability. We identify another critical point for spin superflow, in which transverse magnon excitations are dynamically generated via spin-exchanging collisions, which leads to the transient formation of axial polar spin domains.

Strongly interacting Fermi superfluid of 6Li atoms across the BEC-BCS crossover has been observed on Feburary 9th, 2017!!

First Strongly interacting Fermi superfluid in Korea !!

Observation of von Kármán Vortex Street in an Atomic Superfluid Gas
Physical Review Letters 117, 245301 (2016)

  We report on the experimental observation of vortex cluster shedding from a moving obstacle in an oblate atomic Bose-Einstein condensate. At low obstacle velocities v above a critical value, vortex clusters consisting of two like-sign vortices are generated to form a regular configuration like a von Kármán street, and as v is increased, the shedding pattern becomes irregular with many different kinds of vortex clusters. In particular, we observe that the Stouhal number associated with the shedding frequency exhibits saturation behavior with increasing v. The regular-to-turbulent transition of the vortex cluster shedding reveals remarkable similarities between a superfluid and a classical viscous fluid. Our work opens a new direction for experimental investigations of the superfluid Reynolds number characterizing universal superfluid hydrodynamics.

Related articles in Viewpoint in Physics and Physics Today

Collisional Dynamics of Half-Quantum Vortices in a Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensate
Physical Review Letters 116, 185301 (2016)

  We present an experimental study on the interaction and dynamics of half-quantum vortices (HQVs) in an antiferromagnetic spinor Bose-Einstein condensate. By exploiting the orbit motion of a vortex dipole in a trapped condensate, we perform a collision experiment of two HQV pairs, and observe that the scattering motions of the HQVs is consistent with the short-range vortex interaction that arises from nonsingular magnetized vortex cores. We also investigate the relaxation dynamics of turbulent condensates containing many HQVs, and demonstrate that spin wave excitations are generated by the collisional motions of the HQVs. The short-range vortex interaction and the HQV-magnon coupling represent two characteristics of the HQV dynamics in the spinor superfluid.

Half-Quantum Vortices in an Antiferromagnetic Spinor Bose-Einstein Condensate
Physical Review Letters 115, 015301 (2015)

  We report on the observation of half-quantum vortices (HQVs) in the easy-plane polar phase of an antiferromagnetic spinor Bose-Einstein condensate. Using in situ agnetization-sensitive imaging, we observe that pairs of HQVs with opposite core magnetization are generated when singly charged quantum vortices are injected into the condensate. The dynamics of HQV pair formation is characterized by measuring the temporal evolutions of the pair separation distance and the core magnetization, which reveals the short-range nature of the repulsive interactions between the HQVs. We find that spin fluctuations arising from thermal population of transverse magnon excitations do not significantly affect the HQV pair formation dynamics. Our results demonstrate the instability of a singly charged vortex in the antiferromagnetic spinor condensate.

Bose-Einstein condensation of 174Yb atoms has been observed on Nov 21st, 2014!!

Relaxation of superfluid turbulence in highly oblate Bose-Einstein condensates
Physical Review A 90, 063627 (2014)

  We investigate thermal relaxation of superfluid turbulence in a highly oblate Bose-Einstein condensate. We generate turbulent flow in the condensate by sweeping the center region of the condensate with a repulsive optical potential. The turbulent condensate shows a spatially disordered distribution of quantized vortices, and the vortex number of the condensate exhibits nonexponential decay behavior which we attribute to the vortex pair annihilation. The vortex-antivortex collisions in the condensate are identified with crescent-shaped, coalesced vortex cores. We observe that the nonexponential decay of the vortex number is quantitatively well described by a rate equation consisting of one-body and two-body decay terms. In our measurement, we find that the local two-body decay rate is closely proportional to T2/μ, where T is the temperature and μ is the chemical potential.

Observation of a Geometric Hall Effect in a Spinor BEC with a Skyrmion Spin Texture
Physical Review Letters 111, 245301 (2013)

  For a spin-carrying particle moving in a spatially varying magnetic field, effective electromagnetic forces can arise due to the geometric phase associated with adiabatic spin rotation of the particle. We report the observation of a geometric Hall effect in a spinor Bose-Einstein condensate with a skyrmion spin texture. Under translational oscillations of the spin texture, the condensate resonantly develops a circular motion in a harmonic trap, demonstrating the existence of an effective Lorentz force. When the condensate circulates, quantized vortices are nucleated in the boundary region of the condensate and the vortex number increases over 100 without significant heating. We attribute the vortex nucleation to the shearing effect of the effective Lorentz force from the inhomogeneous effective magnetic field.

Observation of Thermally Activated Vortex Pairs in a Quasi-2D Bose Gas
Physical Review Letters 110, 175302 (2013)

   We measure the in-plane distribution of thermally activated vortices in a trapped quasi-2D Bose gas, where we enhance the visibility of density-depleted vortex cores by radially compressing the sample before releasing the trap. The pairing of vortices is revealed by the two-vortex spatial correlation function obtained from the vortex distribution. The vortex density decreases gradually as temperature is lowered, and below a certain temperature, a vortex-free region emerges in the center of the sample. This shows the crossover from a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase containing vortex-pair excitations to a vortex-free Bose-Einstein condensate in a finite-size 2D system.

Probing Phase Fluctuations in a 2D Degenerate Bose Gas by Free Expansion
Physical Review Letters 109, 125301 (2012)

  We measure the power spectrum of the density distribution of a freely expanding two-dimensional degenerate Bose gas, where irregular density modulations gradually develop due to initial phase fluctuations in the sample. The spectrum has an oscillatory shape, where the peak positions are found to be independent of temperature and show scaling behavior in the course of expansion. The relative intensity of phase fluctuations is estimated from the normalized spectral peak strength and observed to decrease at lower temperatures, confirming the thermal nature of the phase fluctuations.We investigate the relaxation dynamics of nonequilibrium states using the power spectrum. Free vortices are observed with ring-shaped density ripples in a perturbed sample after a long relaxation time.

Observation of Topologically Stable 2D Skyrmions in an Antiferromagnetic BEC
Physical Review Letters 108, 035301 (2012)

  We present the creation and time evolution of two-dimensional Skyrmion excitations in an antiferromagnetic spinor Bose-Einstein condensate. Using a spin rotation method, the Skyrmion spin textures were imprinted on a sodium condensate in a polar phase, where the two-dimensional Skyrmion is topologically protected. The Skyrmion was observed to be stable on a short time scale of a few tens of ms but to dynamically deform its shape and eventually decay to a uniform spin texture. The deformed spin textures reveal that the decay dynamics involves breaking the polar phase inside the condensate without having topological charge density flow through the boundary of the finite-sized sample. We discuss the possible formation of half-quantum vortices in the deformation process.

Bose-Einstein condensation of 23Na atoms has been observed on June 16th, 2010!!

                First quantum gas in Korea !!